ዝርዝር ዋጋታት

ትምህርትና ብክልተ መገዲ ኢዩ ዝወሃብ።

  • → ተማሃሮ ንበይኖም ቪድዮ ብምርኣይ ይመሃሩ።
  • → ምስ መምህር ኣብ ዙም ፕሮጀክት ይሰርሑን ይመሃሩን።

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. What is Programming

    3. Getting Started with Python - Windows

    4. Getting Started with Python - Mac

    5. Introduction Quiz

    1. Variables

    2. Data Types

    3. Numbers

    4. Strings

    5. Input and Type Casting

    6. Basics Quiz

    1. Introduction

    2. Arithmetic Operators

    3. Assignment Operators

    4. Comparison Operators

    5. Logical Operators

    6. Identity Operators

    7. Membership Operators

    8. Operators Assignment

    9. FizzBuzz Exercise

    1. If...Else

    2. Match Case

    3. Debugging Code

    4. For Loop

    5. While Loop

    6. Break and Continue

    7. BMI Exercise

    1. Introduction

    2. Lists

    3. Tuples

    4. Sets

    5. Dictionaries

    1. Introduction

    2. Parameters

About this course

  • 52 lessons
  • 12 hours of video content
  • Project based approach
  • Unlimited access
  • Certificate of Completiongradgr

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