Course curriculum

    1. Data Types

    2. Variables

    3. Creating Variables

    4. Constants

    5. Casting Types

    6. Primitive vs Reference Types

    7. Wrapper Classes

    8. String Class

    9. Arrays

    10. Arithmetic Operations

    11. Math Class

    12. Formatting Numbers

    13. Reading User Input

    14. Exercise - BMI Calculator

    15. Exercise Solution

    1. መእተዊ

    2. Java Operators

    3. If and Switch Statements

    4. Ternary Operator

    5. For Loop

    6. While Loop

    7. Do While Loop

    8. Foreach Loop

    9. Exercise - BMI Improvements

    10. Exercise - Solution

    1. Programming Paradigms

    2. Object Oriented Programming እንታይ ኢዩ፧

    3. Classes

    4. Methods

    5. Method Overloading

    6. Constructors

    7. Packages

    8. Access Modifiers

    9. Encapsulation

    10. Inheritance

    11. Abstraction

    12. Polymorphism

    13. Interfaces

    1. List

    2. Set

    3. Queue

    4. Map

    1. What Are Generics

    2. Generic Classes

    3. Generic Methods

About this course

  • £99.99
  • 56 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content

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