GIT ብትግርኛ
Git is a version control system - it helps you manage the different versions of your project files, and helps keep your work safe. This course will show you how Git works, and how to upload your projects to GitHub.
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ቪድዮን ናይ ዙም ትምህርትን One time payment
About this course
What is Version Control?
What is Git?
Installing Git
What is Bash?
ls - List Command
cd and pwd Commands
mkdir - Make Directory Command
touch - Create File Command
cat - Open/Write to File Command
less Command
cp - Copy File/Directory Command
rm - Remove File/Directory Command
mv - Move/Rename File/Directory Command
Bash Commands Quiz
Bash Commands Assignment
Setting up Git
Git Init
Git Ignore
Git Three Stage Architecture
Git Add - Stage Files
Git Commit - Save Changes
Git Push - Sending Changes to Remote
Git Basics Quiz
Git Basics Assignment
What is a branch?
Create/Checkout a branch
Rename/Delete a branch
Git Pull
Git Fetch
Git Merge
Types of Merge
Git Reset
Merge vs Rebase
Git Revert
Resolving Merge Conflicts
Git Branches Quiz
Git Branches Assignment
What is a workflow?
Git Clone
Git Stash
Centralised Workflow
Feature Branch Workflow
Branch Protection
Code Reviews
Git Flow
Git Workflows Quiz
Git Workflows Project