ዝርዝር ዋጋታት

ትምህርትና ብክልተ መገዲ ኢዩ ዝወሃብ።

  • → ተማሃሮ ንበይኖም ቪድዮ ብምርኣይ ይመሃሩ።
  • → ምስ መምህር ኣብ ዙም ፕሮጀክት ይሰርሑን ይመሃሩን።

Course curriculum

    1. ብዛዕባ እዚ ትምህርቲ

    2. Angular እንታይ ኢዩ፧

    3. Setting Up Development Environment

    4. Getting Started with Angular

    1. What is TypeScript

    2. Data Types

    3. Types and Interfaces

    4. Classes, Objects and Modules

    5. Generics

    6. TypeScript Project

    1. Building Blocks

    2. Components

    3. Directives

    4. Services and Dependency Injection

    5. Pipes

    6. Angular Baiscs Exercise 1

    7. Angular Baiscs Exercise 1 - Solution

    8. Adding Styles and Bootstrap

    9. Data Binding

    10. Event Binding

    11. Two-way Data Binding

    12. Two-way Data Binding - Exercise

    13. Two-way Data Binding - Exercise - Solution

    1. Components API

    2. Input Properties

    3. Output Properties

    4. Input and Output Aliases

    5. Exercise - Implement Search Component

    6. Exercise - Implement Search Component - Solution

    7. Template Reference Variable

    8. View Child

    9. Exercise: Calendar Project

    10. Exercise: Calendar Project Solution

    1. Introduction

    2. ngIf

    3. ng-Template

    4. ngFor

    5. ng-Container

    6. ngSwitchCase

    7. ngStyle

    8. ngClass

    9. Custom Structural Directives

    10. Custom Attribute Directives

    11. Directive Exercise

    12. Directive Solution

    1. Introduction

    2. Constructor

    3. ngOnChanges

    4. ngOnInit

    5. ngDoCheck

    6. ngAfterContentInit and ngAfterContentChecked

    7. ngAfterViewInit and ngAfterViewChecked

    8. ngOnDestroy

About this course

  • 68 lessons
  • 15.5 hours of video content
  • Project based approach
  • 2 Years access
  • Certificate of completion

ድልየትን ተበግሶን እንተ'ሎ ዘይከኣል የሎን። ሎሚ ኣብ ገዛእ ኣእምሮና ወፍሪ ንግበር።